PFC Food Focus
P = meat, eggs, fish, cheese
F = butter, natural grass fed meat fats, coconut and olive oil
C = raw vegetables in salads, cooked greens, carrots, pumpkin, small potato, sometimes sweet,
Snacks = occasional fresh fruit or dried prunes, figs, dates or apricots Nuts. 70+% dark chocolate
Activity:- X
Breakfast:- Coconut Porridge flavoured with date, apricot and almonds
Lunch:- Celery, cheese, gherkin, salami
Dinner:- Bacon and cheese omelet
Snacks:- rice crackers with butter
Drinks:- Water and Flavoured Tea Infusions x 4
Black Coffee x 0
Coconut creamy Coffee x 0
Notes:- Major restart. I let stress get the better of me and have not been eating all that well. During the last two weeks in Christchurch I ate wheat on many occasions and sugar crept into my coffee which was the sachet type unless in a caf'e. The scales tell a sad story. I am 10 kg/22 pounds heavier than last September.
I have lost confidence in myself and my ability to do this. I don't have much of a plan right now except to become coffee free while maintaining a low carb, wheat and sugar free eating plan.
2014 Start weight:- 83.4 kg/197 lbs
1st January weigh in:- 83.4 kg/183.5 lbs
Today's weigh in:- 90.1 kg/189 lbs
PFC Food Focus
P = meat, eggs, fish, cheese
F = butter, natural grass fed meat fats, coconut and olive oil
C = raw vegetables in salads, cooked greens, carrots, pumpkin, small potato, sometimes sweet,
Snacks = occasional fresh fruit or dried prunes, figs, dates or apricots Nuts. 70+% dark chocolate
Activity:- X
Breakfast:- Coconut Porridge flavoured with date, apricot and almonds
Lunch:- Celery, cheese, gherkin, salami
Dinner:- Bacon and cheese omelet
Snacks:- rice crackers with butter
Coconut creamy Coffee x 0
I have lost confidence in myself and my ability to do this. I don't have much of a plan right now except to become coffee free while maintaining a low carb, wheat and sugar free eating plan.
1st January weigh in:- 83.4 kg/183.5 lbs
Today's weigh in:- 90.1 kg/189 lbs
Today's weigh in:- 90.1 kg/189 lbs
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